Medical Check-up Image

Pre-policy Medical Check-up by Capital Taiyo Life Insurance

Your health is an investment, Not an expense!

Why do CTLI ask for Pre-policy medical check-up?

CTLI Logo ImageTo suggest the right policy based on your requirement.
CTLI Logo ImageTo suggest the right premium.
CTLI Logo ImageTo avoid falling under non-disclosure.

Benefits of Pre-policy medical check-up.

CTLI Logo ImageYou can find out your health status yourself.
CTLI Logo ImageReduce the risk of claim denial.
CTLI Logo ImageGet discount for medical check-up.
CTLI Logo ImageCoverage as per health status.
Medical Check Up Image

Terms and Conditions

1. Medical screening will be conducted by physicians from hospitals/clinics recognized by the Ministry of Health and Sports, Myanmar. 2. Medical screening will only be conducted in CTLI’s Partner hospitals and clinics. 3. CTLI will decide appropriate medical check-up packages for customers and CTLI’s medical check-up packages will only be valid. 4. Medical records will be reviewed by CTLI’s underwriting team and its decision will only be valid.

Frequently Asked Questions

Usually, the CTLI bears 5% of first premium amount for medical tests and the insurer bears the rest of total medical cost.

In case of unfavorable findings in the medical report, the issuance of the policy depends on the insurance company. If the finding is not very severe, for instance you have a slightly high blood sugar level or hypertension, the policy can be issued after loading the premium. In other cases, the insurance company might limit the amount of sum assured that you might avail. However, if the medical reports are severely adverse, the policy would not be issued and would be rejected.

List of available hospitals for Medical check-up

Victoria Hospital Logo Image
OSC Hospital Logo Image
Nyein Hospital Logo Image
Aryu Hospital Logo  Image
Mandalay Hospital Logo Image
Pathlad Hospital Logo Image
Moe Thee Hospital Logo Image
SSC Hospital Logo Image
Myat Mon Yadanar Hospital Logo Image
SML hospital Logo Image
Kan Yeik Thar Hospital Logo Image
Ziwa Thuka Hospital Logo Image
Royal Malikha Hospital Logo Image
Aung Yadanar Hospital Logo Image
Asia Royal Hospital Logo Image
Lin Yaung Chi Hospital Logo Image
MPJ hospital Logo Image
Sakura Hospital Logo Image
Swal Taw Hospital Logo Image
MM DOC hospital Logo Image
CTLI Logo Image
