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Our Cashless Service

What is Cashless Payment?

CTLI Logo ImageA service provided by CTLI which allows the policy holder to avail of hospital facilities without having to worry about paying hospital bills.
CTLI Logo ImageCustomer doesn’t need to have any cash on hand to complete the payment.
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What are the benefits?

CTLI Logo ImageReduce Financial Burden
CTLI Logo ImageBeneficial on immediate treatment
CTLI Logo ImageEasy to Claim 24/7 on APP
CTLI Logo ImagePeace of Mind

Health Insurance – Cashless Service

Health Insurance Info

CTLI Logo ImageHealth insurance is a type of insurance which provide financial assistance benefits for insured person or his/her family while unexpected medical situations.

Coverage for Cashless Payment

CTLI Logo ImageHospitalization Due to Disease
CTLI Logo ImageHospitalization Due to Accident
CTLI Logo ImageSurgery
CTLI Logo ImageOutpatient
Cashless Image

Insured Person

Age of limitation (6) years to (75) years
Insurance Term (1) year
Available Units (11) units to maximum (25) units

Health Insurance Package

The insurance benefits according to the health insurance plan are as follows.
Insurance Plan Unit Coverage Benefits (Kyats)
Diamond (11) units To (25) units
Hospitalization Due to Disease MMK 10,000 per day for Hospitalization, Up to (60) days
Hospitalization Due to Accident MMK 2,500 each time per unit, up to 4 times
Surgery Surgical benefit shall be paid out the lesser amount of either the actual surgical cost or the surgical benefit (which is MMK.500,000 per unit)
Miscarriage One time fixed benefit MMK. 300,000 shall be paid out for getting treatment due to miscarriage (regardless of the purchased unit) Total maximum benefit shall be MMK. 500,000 (For both surgery and miscarriage) x purchased unit

Table of premiums by insurance plan

Insurance Plan Unit Age Group Semi-Annually (Kyat) Annual (Kyat)
Diamond (1) units
6 year ~ 30 year 18,500 36,300
31 year ~ 40 year 20,200 39,600
41 year ~ 50 year 21,900 42,900
51 year ~ 60 year 27,500 53,900
61 year ~ 75 year 44,300 86,900
If there are group health insurance for 5 or more insured persons, Maximum (5%) discount available.

Exclusion Factors

CTLI Logo ImageAny existing disease that are under treatment or for any existing symptoms
CTLI Logo ImageChildbirth and Cesarean sections are covered, excluding hospitalization and surgery for diseases caused by pregnancy during the insured period (Preeclampsia, Gestational, Hypertension, Gestational Diabetes, etc.)
CTLI Logo ImagePsychosis Mental Disorder
CTLI Logo ImageMedical check-up and examinations
CTLI Logo ImageFertility treatment
CTLI Logo ImageDental surgery and treatment (except due to accident)
CTLI Logo ImageOptical examination, surgery and treatment (except due to accident)
CTLI Logo ImageCosmetic surgery
CTLI Logo ImageHearing aids
CTLI Logo ImagePhysical defect or infirmity
CTLI Logo ImageDrug or alcohol abuse
CTLI Logo ImageCriminal Commitment
CTLI Logo ImageTerrorism, civil unrest, riots, hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be declared or not) civil war assuming the proportions of or amounting to popular rising, rebellion revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or any act of any person acting on behalf of or in connection with any organization with activities directed towards the overthrow by force of the government de jure or de facto or to the influencing of it by terrorism or violence or by the direct or indirect consequences of any of the said occurrences.
CTLI Logo ImageHospitalizations for 3 days and under (except due to accident)
CTLI Logo ImageFraudulent claims
CTLI Logo ImageSuicide or Suicidal self-injury

Our Partner Hospitals

Aryu Hospital Image

Aryu International Hospital

Pin Image No-400, Kyaik Ka San Road, Tamwe Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
Call Image 01-9376200, 09-767811122, 09-767811133, 09-767811144
PunHlaing Hospital Image

Pun Hlaing Hospital

Pin Image Pun Hlaing Estate Avenue, Hlaing Tharyar Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
Call Image 09-772889922, 09-772889911
Myanmar Peremium Medical Clinic Hospital Image

Myanmar Premium J Medical Clinic

Pin Image No-3/A, Corner of Bogyoke Aung San Road & 27th Street, Level 5, Junction City Tower, Pabaedan Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
Call Image 09-883768885
MMDoc Hospital Image


Pin Image Shop-38/A, The Central Boulevard, Kabaraye Pagoda Road, Yankin Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
Call Image 01-470 0147
OSC Hospital Image

OSC Hospital

Pin Image No-137/D, Thudhamma Road, North Okkalapa Township, Yangon Myanmar.
Call Image 01-470 6622
Kan Yeik Thar Hospital Image

Kan Yeik Thar Wellness Center

Pin Image No-15, KanYeikThar Street, Mayangone Township, Yangon , Myanmar.
Call Image 09-977809091

Cashless App Usage

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