Health Insurance Image

Health Insurance


CTLI Logo ImageHealth insurance is a type of coverage that offers financial support and covers medical expenses for the insured and their family in the event of unexpected health conditions. Hospitalization due to illness, hospitalization due to accidents, death, surgical treatments, miscarriages, and medical treatments in hospitals or clinics provide financial support and medical treatment benefits. This helps alleviate anxiety for individuals worried about the associated costs and supports public healthcare.

Age Limitation

Age (6) to (75) years
(If the insured person is within 6 -18 years, the approval letter from their guardian will be needed.)

Policy Term

(1) year

Available Units

The insured can purchase health insurance from (1) unit to maximum (25) units.
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Premium Payment

Premium Payment
Group Customers Monthly
Annually (lump sum)
Individual Customers
Annually (lump sum)

Types of Health Insurance Package

Type of Health Insurance Package Coverage Causes for Claim Benefits (Kyats)
(1) Unit
Hospitalization Due to Disease
When the insured gets hospitalized for medical treatment Hospitalization benefits MMK 10,000 per day: (However, a maximum of MMK 600,000 x the sum of guaranteed units.)
Hospitalization Due to Accident
Death When the insured dies MMK 1,000,000
Outpatient When the insured gets outpatient care for medical treatment Hospital/Clinic: MMK 2,500 each time per unit: (However, a maximum of MMK 10,000 x the sum of guaranteed units.)
(1) Unit
Hospitalization Due to Disease
When the insured gets hospitalized for medical treatment Hospitalization benefits MMK 10,000 per day: (However, a maximum of MMK 600,000 x the sum of guaranteed units.)
Hospitalization Due to Accident
Death When the insured dies MMK 1,000,000
Surgery When the insured has an operation with the use of epidural anesthetic only Actual direct surgery costs: (However, a minimum of MMK 500,000 per unit.)
Treatment for Miscarriage (At the Hospital Only) When the insured goes under operation or gets treatment due to miscarriage at the hospital only
One-time fixed benefit MMK.300,000 shall be paid out for getting treatment due to miscarriage (regardless of the purchased unit)
Total maximum benefit shall be MMK. 500,000 (For both surgery and miscarriage) x purchased unit.
(1) Unit
Hospitalization Due to Disease
When the insured gets hospitalized for medical treatment Hospitalization benefits MMK 10,000 per day: (However, a maximum of MMK 600,000 x the sum of guaranteed units.)
Hospitalization Due to Accident
Death When the insured dies MMK 1,000,000
Surgery When the insured has an operation with the use of epidural anesthetic only Actual direct surgery costs: (However, a minimum of MMK 500,000 per unit.)
Treatment for Miscarriage(At the Hospital Only) When the insured goes under operation or gets treatment due to miscarriage at the hospital only
One-time fixed benefit MMK.300,000 shall be paid out for getting treatment due to miscarriage (regardless of the purchased unit)
Total maximum benefit shall be MMK. 500,000 (For both surgery and miscarriage) x purchased unit.
Outpatient When the insured gets outpatient care for medical treatment Hospital/Clinic: MMK 2,500 each time per unit: (However, a maximum of MMK 10,000 x the sum of guaranteed units.)

The premiums for the Health Insurance package are as follows:

Insurance Package Age Group Individual
Semi-Annually Annually
(1) Unit
6 ~ 30 10,100 19,800
31 ~ 40 11,800 23,100
41 ~ 50 13,500 26,400
51 ~ 60 19,100 37,400
61 ~ 75 35,900 70,400
(1) Unit
6 ~ 30 14,000 27,500
31 ~ 40 15,700 30,800
41 ~ 50 17,400 34,100
51 ~ 60 23,000 45,100
61 ~ 75 39,800 78,100
(1) Unit
6 ~ 30 18,500 36,300
31 ~ 40 20,200 39,600
41 ~ 50 21,900 42,900
51 ~ 60 27,500 53,900
61 ~ 75 44,300 86,900
Benefits will not be paid for the following issues, whether directly or indirectly: injuries, illnesses, hospital attendance, surgical treatments, or death.
CTLI Logo ImageUndergoing medical treatment, obtaining a doctor's approval, or having pre-existing symptoms.
CTLI Logo ImageChildbirth, Cesarean sections, and Obstetric surgery are covered, excluding hospitalization and surgery for diseases caused by pregnancy during the insured period (Preeclampsia, gestational hypertension, gestational diabetes, etc.). In addition, the miscarriage is eligible for benefits if Option (1) has been purchased by the insured.
CTLI Logo ImagePsychosis and Mental Disorders.
CTLI Logo ImageHospitalization for medical check-ups and rest.
CTLI Logo ImageFertility treatment.
CTLI Logo ImageDental surgery and treatment (except due to accident).
CTLI Logo ImageOptical examination, surgery, and treatment (except due to accident).
CTLI Logo ImageCosmetic surgery.
CTLI Logo ImageHearing aids.
CTLI Logo ImagePhysical defect or infirmity.
CTLI Logo ImageDrugs or controlled substances.
CTLI Logo ImageCriminal Commitment.
CTLI Logo ImageTerrorism, civil unrest, riots, hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be declared or not) civil war assuming the proportions of or amounting to popular rising, rebellion revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or any act of any person acting on behalf of or in connection with any organization with activities directed towards the overthrow by force of the government de jure or de facto or to the influencing of it by terrorism or violence or by the direct or indirect consequences of any of the said occurrences.)
CTLI Logo ImageHospitalizations for 3 days and under.
CTLI Logo ImageFraudulent claims.
CTLI Logo ImageSuicide or Suicidal self-injury.
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